Do you like to craft?

You can help us make some precious keepsakes and connection tools for NICU families!

In each Project NICU Care Package we include a knit hat for baby and a “NICU Scent Heart” for mama/dad. Last year alone, we had over 1,000 knit hats and hundreds of NICU Scent Hearts donated! We could not include these special things with out the amazing help of our volunteers. Now, due to higher restrictions in hospitals, these are even more needed!

Why a knit hat?

NICU babies often need help regulating their body temperature and keep hats on to help do this! These are also special for parents as they are the first piece of “real clothing” that their sweet babies are allowed to wear. NICU babies come in ALL sizes so we accept hats for the smallest babies to newborn size. There are several sites you can search to for patterns, we have linked to one below. Hats are preferred to be gender neutral but we also accept gender specific and holiday themed hats!

What is a “NICU Bonding Heart"?”

For parents of a baby in the NICU it can be devastating not to be able to cuddle and comfort their child. Sharing each others scent is not only helpful for the baby, it is helpful for mom (and dad) to feel connected.  When a NICU Bonding Heart is received it is pinned inside of mom or dads shirt to soak in their scent. When the parents visit the baby, they then can place this heart inside the isolette for baby to be comforted by their scent. After its been with the baby and is taken home, babys smell can help ease stress for mom and dad as well. It’s a beautiful tool that many NICU parents really enjoy.


All items need to be made in a smoke free home.
If possible, please package in individual ziplock bags. Donations still accepted if not packaged individually.

Donations can be mailed to:
Project NICU
700 Ken Mar Industrial Pkwy., #730
Broadview Heights, OH 44147

As always we thank you for your support!