#30DaysofBrave Day 4- Monique

Hi, my name is Monique, I am from South Africa but living in Dubai for the past 11 years and I am the proud mom of Zack, I call him my Warrior!

Zack was born with severe complications and was diagnosed with Severe H.I.E Level III (Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy) . We were shocked, so confused and felt that we have failed as parents but we knew that we would do absolutely anything to fight for his life.

As first time parents we never expected this to happen but we immediately decided to stay positive, have faith and continue praying for our Warrior. We saw little Miracles happen in his life daily.

Zack spent 4 months in NICU and oh boy, was it a rollercoaster ride. We had good days and bad days, happy and sad days but our Warrior kept fighting and he just brought us all so much hope. Being told that your child doesn't have long to live was by far the most hardest part but God gave us Supernatural strength and peace and that was all we needed, we just continued doing what any parent would do and that is to love our little boy with all our hearts and give him our utmost best.

Fast forward 2 years later, our Warrior proved doctors wrong and though he is still ventilator dependent, he can't see, hear, talk, laugh or cry (yet), he will always be our LITTLE MIRACLE and we Continue praying that one day he will be able to breathe on his own but in the meantime we take it one day at a time and share our story with the world hoping that someone will read our story and be inspired.

Our NICU Journey was without a doubt the hardest part of our Journey as we had to leave our little boy every night for 4 months. It was so hard to leave him at night but we kept praying and held on to hope that our boy will make it.

We are stronger and braver parents because of Zack, during those 4 months in NICU he showed us what it means to fight and not give up. So we took the decision to take it one day at a time and fight through all the ups and downs, holding onto our faith and through our story we wish to bring a little hope to someone out there.

We are so proud of our little Warrior and look forward to creating more memories and experiencing more.

Pam Frasco