#30DaysofBrave Day 12- Katie

In May of 2018, my husband, Patrick and I found out we were expecting our first child due in early February. As most new parents-to-be, we were excited and nervous with anticipation. My pregnancy had been progressing normally with regular OB checkups and routine ultrasound appointments but on the morning of October 26th everything changed. 

I was having what I thought at the time was round ligament pain which is a common complaint during pregnancy. I called my OB and the nurse on-call told me to come in if it worsened and by Friday morning it had. I woke my husband up at 4:00 a.m. and told him we needed to go to the hospital. I was in excruciating pain, doubled over and had no idea what was happening. Since my OB’s office was not open yet we were admitted to L&D for observation and shortly after our son, Theo James, was born via emergency c-section at 8:24 a.m. due to category III fetal heart rate tracing. He was only 25 weeks and 4 days and weighed 1 lb 10 oz. 

Immediately following his birth, Theo was admitted to the Level III NICU at Cleveland Clinic’s Hillcrest Hospital where he bravely fought for his life for the next 117 days. Over the course of the next 4 months we watched our micro preemie battle premature lung disease, a grade 1 brain bleed, a PDA and sepsis. He was intubated, extubated, resuscitated, received several blood transfusions, steroids, phototherapy treatment, PICC lines, an OG and a NG. We had countless pediatric consults with endocrinology, general surgery, infectious disease, ophthalmology, pulmonology and others. 

The gratitude we have for his team of primary nurses: Kara Crots, Karen Fairbanks, Lexi Gill, Jackie Ludwig, Kaitlin Marsh, Vanessa Poucki and Nicole Terzigni, cannot be stated in words. They were with Theo in Room 21, day in and day out, throughout his entire stay. It gave my husband and I reassurance knowing the same group of medical professionals who knew him just as well as we did, were there by his bedside especially during times we could not be. They helped us celebrate every single milestone – from being able to wear clothes for the first time and holidays (Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s, Valentine’s Day – just to name a few) to graduating from an isolate to a crib, his first bottle and so many countless others. 

On February 20, 2019, Theo was officially discharged just 16 days after his due date. I realize just how blessed we are to have left with a 17 lb bouncing baby boy because that is not the reality for everyone who experiences a NICU stay. We pass Hillcrest Hospital frequently and when we do, we say a prayer for those babies, parents and caregivers on the second floor of Seidman Tower because we know just how hard they are fighting. 

Our NICU experience was heart wrenching and devastating yet beautiful and miraculous. It was a journey that wasn’t planned for and will never be forgotten. The bravery my #NICUwarrior and his team of caregivers showed is remarkable, it gave us strength and hope on our darkest days and continues to be a source of light and inspiration today. Sending strength, comfort, hope and prayers to those who have braved and who are braving their NICU journey now. 



Pam Frasco