#30DaysofHope Day 22- Justina

In the NICU, hope can be hard to find some days, but hope is what keeps us going.

In 2019 we experienced preterm labor twice, PPROM twice, 3 NICU journeys, 79 days on bed rest, an emergency c-section, loss of our firstborn, bringing a preemie home, parenting after loss, and all of the emotions that come during and after these experiences.

When you are on the rollercoaster, hope can be hard to see.

Our son Carter was born at 24 weeks and 2 days - he came out fighting and continued to fight every minute of his life.

Three months after we lost Carter, we were shocked to find out I was pregnant and immediately deemed high risk. We took every preventative measure - cervical cerclage, progestrone and bedrest when my cervix shortened at 20 weeks. I remained on bedrest at home and then in the hospital for 79 days.

PPROM at 27 weeks and two weeks later, our second son Aron was born via an emergency c-section at 29 weeks and 3 days. We spent 49 long days in the NICU and now Aron is happy, healthy and a one year old.

We are challenged minute by minute with a high risk pregnancy, a surprise preterm labor, when we are given the likelihood of survival in the NICU, a desat, a new diagnoses, a surgery, feedings, and so much more every single step of the way.

We hope because we love hard, and there is nothing more that we need in the NICU than hope.

-Justina, Carters Cause

Pam Frasco