#30DaysofHope Day 27- Meghan

I never was in a position in my life where I had to fully rely on hope until we had our daughter.

My pregnancy was healthy and normal without any complications until I was 25+4 days pregnant.

I had been having some bad back pains for a day or two and I woke up to bleeding.

I immediately went into my doctor’s office where they checked my cervix, told me I was 4 cm dilated, in active labor, and needed to go to the delivery ward all within a span of 10 minutes.

In that moment, all I had was hope.

Hope when I asked the nursed wheeling me to labor and delivery if my baby would die.

Hope when they said they wanted to transfer hospitals before I delivered because their NICU only cares for preemies of 32 weeks gestation and older.

Hope in the 40 min ambulance ride.

Hope when they told me I was dilated to a 6 but my contractions had stopped.

Hope in my body that I could keep her in just a few more days, and I did.

On Feb 3rd, 2020 at 26 weeks exactly, sweet little Stella Mae made her entrance in the world at 2 lbs 2 oz and 13.5 inches long.

She cried, she was breathing on her own with the help of CPAP, she was feisty and alive!

All of that hope had worked.

I continued to carry that same hope and same faith as we battled through 69 long days in the NICU.

On Easter 2020 we finally brought her home at 4 lbs 6 oz and 16 in long. Stella has been cleared for both her PDA and ROP, she is 9 months old, 15 lbs and thriving.

But even though that all may be, I will always be a preemie mom and will never forget those feelings of hope that got us through it all!

Pam Frasco