30 Days of Hope | Amira

"Amira was born at 12 ounces with growth restriction at 27 weeks. She has been in the hospital for 95 days she has overcome so many obstacles; intubated for 10 weeks, moved to a cannula NINV, infections, viruses, 4 bone fractures, bone deficiency, and still fighting to get better everyday!
Amira right now is 3 pounds and 3 ounces advancing on her feedings and gaining weight … to be continued." NICU Mama, Fatima

Even while still in the NICU, Fatima has some beautiful words for all other NICU families currently walking this journey alongside her, "Please parents get involved in every single detail about your babies health. Ask questions until you understand. We are key person here ❤️. Take one day at the time ❤️take care of yourselves ❤️"

Amy Finn