#30DaysofBrave Day 11 - Charlotte

Charlotte “Charli” was born at 24 weeks old on October 29th, 2020 at 1 pound 10 ounces and 12 inches long.

We spent 4 months in the Nationwide Childrens NICU in Columbus, Ohio. She decided to surprise us all as I did not know I was pregnant when I had her (yep you read that right).

I went into full blown Eclampsia with seizures & PRES syndrome, to where my husband found me seizing in bed.
I was admitted through the ER for my husband (and dad) to find out a few hours later I was pregnant, and that they would have to deliver the baby via Emergency C -Section to save the baby and myself. After the C-Section I was moved to the ICU to where I was on a ventilator and did not wake up for 2 days.
I finally got to meet our sweet Charlotte on the 4th day in the NICU once they could get me moved to a wheelchair. The first time meeting my baby girl was incredibly emotional, I wasn’t sure what to think at that time or if she would even be okay. The doctors and nurses were absolutely amazing, compassionate, and were there to help me navigate all my questions that first time I got to hold her.
Charli was and still is such a fighter. We were told by all her doctors and nurses just how feisty she was and therefore they knew she would make it. She was on a ventilator, c-pap machine, hi flow oxygen, lo flow oxygen and finally off all respiratory help after 2.5 months. Where we then struggled with learning to feed and many other things. One of the hardest parts about the NICU were all the constant monitors with the alarms, the beeping and trying to figure out what each one meant and seeing all the nurses rush in when they start alarming.
The NICU journey totally sucks while it’s also incredible to watch your tiny baby be so determined and resilient each hour and each day. One thing I learned through our NICU journey is no matter how non-ideal the situation may be your baby will always feel your love. The nurses and doctors became our family, and a large part of our support (we were very blessed with such amazing family and friends who were wonderful).
The NICU journey is tough, but so rewarding in many ways.

Pam Frasco