#30DaysofBrave Day 10 - Katie

After three long years of infertility I fell pregnant with twin boys Axel and Andrew.

Thursday February 6th 2020 is the day our life changed.

At 26 weeks 4 days I began having bad back pain and went to our local emergency room in saint Joseph MI. I was admitted immediately for preeclampsia and my water broke when they checked me. I was considered stable to be transferred but were unable to find a place that was able to take me and the boys due to over crowding.

Finally Grand Rapids agreed to do a midnight transfer but since I was considered stable and it was a blizzard out we were not sure what was going to happen. My contractions kept getting worse and before we able to be transferred the boys arrived. 7:42 Axel was born weighting 1lb 15 oz and 7:45 Andrew weighing 1lb 13 oz it was one of the scariest moments of our lives.

My amazing Dr was able to get the NICU team to come get my boys I also was lucky and got to meet them before they left but unfortunately I was not able to go with them due to my high BP. Friday I was finally able to go see the boys.

I was readmitted for High BP again that Saturday but I got to be in a room right around the Corner from them. The boys were doing great until Andrew fell sick on February 15th and passed away On February 17th our life was definitely not the same but we had to be strong for Axel.

Axel had a few setbacks but that was to be expected and nothing we couldn’t handle. 98 days later on May 15th 2020 Axel came home and is currently meeting all his milestones and growing strong.

Pam Frasco