#30DaysofBrave- Day 17 - Kelsie

Bravery in the NICU is all around. Bravery in the NICU comes from one place. I believe that special place is within the heart of every NICU baby. They come into this world ready to fight. They know they will face challenges. They know this isn’t how it was supposed to be. They do it though. They believe in themselves and that is brave. Everyone in the NICU becomes brave because they feel it everytime they see the little fingers wiggle and grab tight to another big finger nearby. The babies are reaching out asking for someone to believe in them, too.

The parents hold tight to those moments and feel bravery overcome them. They watch their baby peek their eyes open when they hear their voice. They see the monitor run smoothly when they are holding their baby. They are reminded why they are there and that is to believe in their little fighter. To be brave for them, too. 

The family of the NICU baby sees it all. They see the parents fight and they wait for daily updates on the baby. They hope and pray knowing they can’t be around their new family member like they want to. They dream of the day when the pain goes away and the brave baby is right there with the entire family. 

The nurses watch every number and every movement of the baby. They listen carefully to reports. They study the baby while also giving it the most gentle care. They believe in the baby when they ask the doctor to try something new. They feel brave because they want the best for their baby. They help the parents feel brave by explaining to them the knowledge they have of the NICU. 

The doctors and nurse practitioners feel brave when they listen to the team's input and make big decisions. Everyone listens closely to hear what brave decision the doctor will make for the baby that day.

The respiratory therapists are brave for knowing that they are responsible for making the correct adjustments to allow the baby to breathe. Can you imagine being responsible for someone’s lungs? 

The NICU greeter is brave for welcoming families into this unknown world for them. They are brave for smiling when they know the hurt that can take place inside the NICU. 

The janitors are brave for keeping the NICU clean for such fragile lives. They know each step to take each day to be sure the babies are safe. 

Bravery in the NICU is hard to miss. It is all around. It is in the hearts of many people. All the people who come together because of the bravery of a tiny human. Everyday the people of the NICU look fear and hurt in the face and fight back with bravery.

Pam Frasco