#30DaysofBrave Day 19- Nadia

At 27 weeks exactly I was admitted in hospital for imminent preeclampsia. It was Monday. 

I had extreme gastric pain, high blood pressure, headaches and a lot of protein in my urine. The hospital staff immediately started me on steroid treatment for baby's lungs and medication to ensure both me and baby Alex Elsa was healthy and safe. 

After a whole night of treatment, my symptoms subsided and I was admitted for close observation at least to keep me pregnant up until 34 weeks, but it didn’t last long. That Thursday night my symptoms came back with revenge my pain was unbearable. The doctor immediately took me back to labor ward where I was put on treatment again.

Friday 21 August 2020 1:00 I was rushed in for a c section, where I brought my little princess into this world only weighing 790g. She is perfect, but so so so small. She did not need ventilation. She was just put on high flow. She was breathing perfectly fine on her own. The doctor reassured me that both baby and me are fine. We are both miracles. 

Today my baby is weighing at 860g 2 weeks later and is on no oxygen breathing room air and drinking mommy's milk through a tube since she very tiny. 

I know we still have a long way to go, but i am brave and standing with her to help her get strong.

Pam Frasco