#30DaysofBrave- Day 4- Alex

“After 12 days at North Shore University Hospital and 144 days at Cohen’s Children’s Medical Center, our Warrior Princess, Eliana Melody came home with us.

Through her birth & one hospital transfer fearing we might lose her, a Broviak insertion, a Bowel resection, an ostomy creation and reversal, 3 grade 3 IVH’s, tests, sonograms, xrays, ultrasounds, echos, tubes, exams, vitals, and more, she did it.

To see how far she’s come with the help of some amazing medical professionals is truly astounding.

Without my OBGYN, my daughter wouldn’t have survived.

Without a Nurse named Michelle, I wouldn’t have held my daughter for the first time at 7 weeks, due to my fear that I might hurt her.

Without Nurses named Amy & Gina, I would’ve never made the NICU feel more comfortable, getting amazing advice and comfort while I sat there for hours on end, either zoning or crying.

Without a Fellow named Maria, I wouldn’t have had as many answers, and would’ve spent hours googling the worst.

Without my Social Worker Regan, PPD would have surely taken my down a dark path.

Without, so many other Nurses and Staff, I wouldn’t have cried when I left the NICU, realizing I had created a family after 5 months of being there.

She came home in April with a feeding tube.

Not only were my husband and I new parents of a newborn, but now we were her new nurses.

We were in charge of OT, running whatever she couldn’t take by bottle thru her tube, changing her feeding tube as required, and trying to prevent a 4th surgery in the form of insertion of a G tube directly into her stomach.

After 1 month, a discovery of an allergy to my breast milk protein, and a switch in hypoallergenic formula, we got rid of the tube!

Now we battle with “preemie problems.” Weak Gross & Fine Motor Skills via PT, hemangioma’s galore, being careful with what we put in her belly, weighing her on our home scale weekly, and of course, keeping her safe and healthy during a PANDEMIC!

Life has been crazy.

We know it will continue to be a struggle, but we wouldn’t have it any other way.

We love our baby girl. Her smile and bravery light up our lives in a way we never thought possible.

Someone just said to me recently, “Being strong isn’t the goal, being brave is. Brave means feeling it all and still taking the next step forward.”

Be brave my NICU Mamas, be brave.”



Pam Frasco