#30DaysofBrave Day 6 -Kelsie

#30DaysofBrave Day 6- Kelsie

"We are now two years out from our NICU stay.

Two years of thinking about our journey every single day.

Two years of processing & healing.

When I think back on it, I get overwhelmed with how good people truly are.

How good our family & friends were to us during such a hard time.

We will never be able to repay any of them, but gosh were they brave.

They worried about us & prayed hard for us.

They didn’t know exactly what was happening each day in our world, but they kept showing up.

They didn’t stop.

They didn’t know the right words to yet say yet they found the words. They didn’t know what to do yet they found the exact things we needed in each moment that we didn’t even know we needed. It would have been easy for them to sit back & hope the best for us.

They didn’t.

They were brave.

They stood with us & never left our side. We felt them cheering for us when we walked out of the hospital doors & we feel their love flash before us every time Kyler smiles at us.

Thank you all for being brave for us & pushing us on when we weren’t sure we could be brave anymore."

Pam Frasco