#30DaysofBrave Day 7 - Kat

My 30 days of brave story is inspired by my sons primary care nurse; Denise.

In 2017 my son Kyle was born prematurely at 24 weeks. He weighed 1lb11oz. When I saw him in that isolette I was terrified, anxious, sad, and nervous.

I wasn’t the joyous mama - I wasn’t naïve.

I had suffered a terrible loss the year prior and all I knew was how to loose a child - not to have one live.

Enter - the woman & nurse who picked me up, guided me, was honest with me, pushed me, pushed Kyle & ultimately cared for me.

She believed in Kyle so much so I knew that I could to.

She knew his limits - when he was being stubborn - and when I needed a break to go home for the night and not feel guilty. When she was off for a few days she secured only the best nurses to replace her.

She gave it to me straight and she built my confidence to care for my medically fragile son. She was the person my son and I needed at the time. God gave me her and I will always be thankful. I don’t know where we’d be without her.

Nurse Denise - you are our angel on earth. We love you!"


Kat & Kyle Freeman

To read more stories from our families, or submit your own, visit our #30DaysofBrave link in our bio!

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Pam Frasco