#30daysofBrave Day 17- Elijah

Elijah Kain was born December 7, 2020 at 5:10 pm. His gestational age at birth was 23 weeks and 2 days. He was 1 pound 6.2 ounces & 11.81 inches long. We spent a long 139 days in the NICU. There were good days, bad days, and super scary days. Our stay consisted of 2 different hospitals. 5 room switches. PDA closure surgery. G-tube placement. 2 laser eye surgeries. Bilateral Hernia Repair. & he came home on 1/4 L of oxygen. Now we’re almost 9 months old, only on night time oxygen & g-tube feeds. Weighs over 13 pounds & is over 23 inches long. Rolls from tummy to back. (Tries to go from back to tummy but isn’t quite there yet) He loves to stand up & stick his tongue out at people. Recently has started to try and give kisses. & will chew on just about anything he can get his mouth to. He’s our rainbow baby & I think god every day for giving us our miracle.

Pam Frasco