#30DaysofBrave Day 16 - Yesenia

Hello my name is Yesenia & I am a proud nicu mom to a beautiful strong little girl named Aubrey Rose born at 24+5 weeks in 2019.

One morning as I woke up for work I noticed I lost part of my mucus plug I didn’t think much to it because I know it can grow back. I proceeded to work and once there I started feeling minor cramping and leaking I told my boss I didn’t feel good and if I could head to my clinic he of course said yes even offered me a ride. Once there around 9 am I explained everything and she responded with there’s no way you’re too early it’s probably a UTI she then only checked for a heartbeat which was strong and sent me off with antibiotics.

I decided to go to my moms house and rest after about 4 hours I woke up soaked and with much worse pain where I couldn’t even walk we headed to the nearest emergency room just to check on babygirl. Once their in L&D they asked me how far along was I and when I answered the doctor that night said I was too early as well and they couldn’t see me but one nurse said she had no patients so she would take me in to check me fast after I was in a room and she did a check up she ran out for the doctor at this point I already knew something wasn’t right and I was all alone they didn’t let anyone go in with me. The doctor came in held my hand and told me what I’m going to tell you won’t be easy but we will do our best he then explained I was in active labor and my baby was already there in position it was only a matter of time for her to come and the worst part was when he said we don’t have a Nicu but we do have one neonatologist on call and she plus a team will assist me. He said he would try to stop labor at least one more day because even a day would make a huge difference for her but he didn’t think I’d pass that night. It was a lot to process alone I was so confused as well I had no idea about prematurity or the nicu prior to my daughter.

They started putting me IV’s and injecting steroids etc all I remember is saying can my mom come in and when they finally brought her in my tears just dropped and I told her she’s coming mom I’m scared. She then held me and said just pray don’t stop praying. I was then rushed to to delivery room. My contractions kept getting stronger so they decided to call the closet Nicu transport team to explain the situation. I remember there was a storm that night and the nicu team was on video call on transit when they arrived there was no baby yet so they had to leave to attend other similar cases.

When they left I was terrified as to what is she’s born and they’re not here the doctor had told me chances were even less now that they left but they would still try everything they could to help her. After four hours in labor and about 30 minutes that the transport team had left Aubrey finally made her arrival weighting 1lb 12.9oz 13.9 inches tall. After her birth I heard a tiny tiny cry and then it all went silent for a few minutes I knew something was wrong I kept screaming is she okay and no one would answer she was being resuscitated and then I finally heard that second cry it was such a relief. They immediately called the nicu team to head back and they did but it took them a hour to get back the longest hour of my life my daughter was a fighter for all that time staying strong when they finally arrived I remember crying of happiness they swaddled her showed her to me for a split second and took her in the incubator those 3 days so far from her were the worst nonetheless me being sick during labor and after so once discharged I wasn’t able to visit due to RSV season.

After 10 long days I finally went to see my Warrior princess and also did kangaroo care for the first time. We spent 115 days in the nicu and fought blain bleeds one being a grade 4 IVH, chronic lung disease, pneumonia, and MRSA. I as well almost lost her once in the Nicu when doing kangaroo care and I was so afraid after that happened I didn’t do it for a few weeks because I felt guilty. Aubrey is now 2 1/2 years old and thriving although her mild cerebral palsy diagnosis she’s doing everything she should be doing with the help of therapy. This is our story one I had no idea I would tell but I am glad to tell it and bring awareness plus hope to other parents. Being a nicu mom was the hardest thing I’ve had to endure as a mother but it also made me a strongest person! I am forever proud of us!

Pam Frasco