Amari, our miracle

Our miracle baby, Amari, was born at 22+6 weeks weighing 1 pound after I went into spontaneous labour at 22+3 weeks.
I went into the hospital late in the evening because I felt that something just wasn't right but I didn't have any symptoms, pain, nor bleeding.
When I got to the hospital and they told me I was 4cm dilated, I could not believe it.
They sent me to a level 3 hospital where Amari had a better chance of survival. I was given antibiotics and steroids but because of how early I was, I didn't qualify for the magnesium drip.
They offered us a termination option because they said Amari had a very slim chance of survival and if she did survive she would have life limiting complications. We didn't accept their offer and continued on with our journey. I was given medication to try and delay labour. We got to the level 3 hospital at 22+4 and gave birth at 22+6 (by 6 minutes, she was born at 00:06am). Amari weighed 460grams, 1lb!

Amari had a tough journey in 3 neonatal units, experiencing 3 broken limbs, sepsis, pneumothorax, NEC, dozens of blood transfusions, chronic lung disease, metabolic bone disease, PDA, ROP and many other complications; however she fought through it all! Many times the staff told us to call our families to say bye, but Amari was determined that whatever came her way she would fight it and come home with us.

She spent 5 months in hospital and came home on a tiny bit of oxygen. She is now 7.5 months old and weighing 4.7kg (over 10x her birth weight), breathing all by herself and is one very happy baby!

We chose her name at birth, googling names that mean miracle...Amari came up and we chose that as her name because she truly is our living miracle.

Amy Finn