
"Henry was born at 24 weeks 3 days. It was a rough pregnancy from the beginning, but after 21 weeks, I knew something was wrong.

It turned out pre-eclampsia was rapidly sneaking up on me, which turned into HELLP. I will never forget the moment when the doctor said we have no choice but to take him at just 24 weeks 3 days. The fear that struck my heart was a fear no one should have to face.

I was wheeled into the delivery room alone while my husband was prepped in another. I was beyond exhausted and could barely focus on what was happening to my body, but I was so afraid I would only have moments with our son, so I struggled to stay awake. The moment my son was born, he squawked a little cry before immediately being intubated. He was so tiny, just 12 inches and 1 lb 6 oz, but he was here.

He immediately was whisked to the NICU, before being transferred to another NICU. I was sent to the ICU and it was days before I could meet him. But when I did, he grabbed my hand and squeezed so hard, as if he knew his mom was there. He stayed in the NICU for 175 days, but I will never ever be able to forget a moment of it.

The kindness from the nurses, doctors, and other care teams was amazing - people who fight for the smallest babies are miracle workers. Our son is thriving now, and we know it’s because of the amazing care we all received in the NICU." -NICU Mom, Janet

Amy Finn