
"I sometimes feel selfish for sharing my NICU story because my son was there for only 9 days. It can’t compare to parents who have experienced their baby in there for weeks or months. However, the NICU experience is something I wouldn’t wish on a single living soul.

Charlie was born at 37 weeks 1 day. I was induced due to hypertension. I was also positive for Strep Group B. I still think that somehow played a role in all this. Charlie came out with his cord around his neck and grunting/gasping for air. He never cried. He was rushed to the nicu within 5 minutes of coming out. I got to see him later that night after I was fixed up and no longer dizzy. I walked into that nicu and saw my tiny 6lb baby hooked up to a cpap machine, a feeding tube down his throat, an IV in his arm and multiple monitors stuck to his chest and on his feet. His poor little heels were bruised from a blood draw and his face was so swollen he couldn’t open his eyes. I instantly sobbed and had to look away. The next 9 days were absolute torture. My boyfriend and I were traveling to and from the hospital multiple times a day, all hours of the day. I was pumping around the clock just to try and produce a little bit of milk that could help my baby. Everyday felt like we were left with more unanswered questions. We had no idea when he was coming home until just a few hours before he was discharged. I still remember the nurse telling me the doctor cleared him to go home. His oxygen levels were now perfect, he could eat on his own, and had no infections. I broke down and sobbed and cried and wailed so hard I lost my breathe. I was so, so happy. A few hours later, we loaded our boy in his car seat and surprised our families with him coming home. It was the best day of my life. Charlie is the most loved little boy in the world and has such a perfect life now. He is 100% healthy and thriving. I can’t imagine my life without him." -NICU Mom, Samantha

Amy Finn