Mono Mono Twins

"Hi, my name is Tiffany White. I am 30 years old, and I have a set of Mo Mo twins (Monochorionic Monoamniotic twins). Mo/mo twins are when both babies share one placenta and one amniotic sac. According to my doctors, mo/mo twins are the rarest, being less than 1% of twins. It was definitely a shock to not only hear I was having twins but also, they are super rare. I never expected to have any kids, I was told at a young age that I wouldn't be able to get pregnant. Oh, how wrong they were.

I definitely thought they were right, here I am 30 years old and been trying for the last three years with my boyfriend. We had given up hope. My baby girls are truly miracles, a blessing. In 2018, I lost my 1-year-old niece to a tragedy. I was heartbroken. My sister was out of the picture at the time, and I was huge part of her life along with my grandparents. We all lived together. I still remember her first steps, I taught her, her first big words, Walmart and please. Then in 2020, I lost my baby sister to a car accident. It broke my heart. Our birthdays were a day apart, and we were like twins. So, for me to have twins, and girls at that, was a huge blessing. It was a miracle if I ever saw one. I was schedule to go into the hospital at 26 weeks, so my girls could be monitored three times a day for an hour. But tragedy struck and at a doctor's appointment when I was 24 weeks and 6 days, they noticed I started funneling and my cervix was way too short. I needed to be admitted right away. I was in for a week, going through monitoring, which because the girls were so small proved to be very difficult in getting them on the monitor sometimes, and you could forget about getting them on for an hour continuously.

I was 25 weeks and 5 days, when one of the girls had a huge dip in her heart rate and really fast and wasn't coming back up as fast as she should have. They were considered that their umbilical's cords were tangled and one of the girls weren't getting the oxygen she needed. I than went over to L&D for 24-hour monitoring. I didn't sleep at all, how could I? Knowing that something could go wrong, or something was going wrong at any point. The next morning, the head doctor came in. She informed me that I was going to have to have a c section right away. That they had to get the girls out in the short window they had, or they both wouldn't make it. In less than 10 minutes, I was being rushed to have the c section. Right before I was taken back, the ultrasound resident came rushing in, they had lost one of the girls' heart rates and they needed to find it to make sure she was still alive. Thankfully she was and I was rushed back.

My girls were born at 25 weeks and 6 days. They are truly blessings. Doctors told me it was a miracle they were even alive considering how tangled their umbilical cords were tangled. Baby one's umbilical was so tangled with her sisters, that it was ripped right from her belly button when she was coming out and our bloods were mixed. She needed two transfusions immediately. My girls were born at 1lb 10oz each on August 26, 2022, at 1pm and 1:01pm." -NICU Mom, Tiffany

Amy Finn