#30DaysofBrave- Day 15- Jenny

We knew there was a very good chance the baby would come early. I had doctor appointments three days a week, but the baby was doing better than anyone expected, so I thought I might beat the odds and things would be “normal”. Until the day came and I had to have an emergency c-section eight weeks early. My bag was packed and his room was ready, but nothing can prepare you for the doctor telling you that the baby is in distress and they’re going to take him right now.

Nothing can prepare you for the sight of your newborn surrounded by a team of people and everything that happens in those gut wrenching moments until your baby is stable in the NICU. Once he was there, he had hurdles or overcome, but we counted the small victories made each day. I kept putting one foot in front of the other and focusing on the next thing. It felt like we’d never get out of there some days, but other days I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

A little over a year later, I still can’t talk about it out loud without crying. Cody is perfectly healthy and we are beyond lucky, but it’s still such a deeply emotional experience. It’s not the story we hoped for when we found out I was pregnant, but it’s his story and I’m so proud of what a courageous fighter he is. Our NICU journey showed me that I can do anything I put my mind to, and so can Cody.

Pam Frasco