#30DaysofBrave- Day 29- Karishma

Had a smooth pregnancy - and was due on 23rd feb. Bub decided to stay bit longer and we waited till 41+4, and was induced.

During labor the bubs heart beat kept on reducing and my bp was too high so ended up in emergency. Bub was born healthy at 8lbs 4 oz but somehow wasn’t able to breathe, which later turned out due to respiratory distress as a result placenta infection which was not detected.

He Stayed in NICU for couple of days, it’s a sad feeling with no words to describe when u don’t see your bub for the few initial days .

What kept us going was the thought of him getting the best care in NICU ,Can’t thank enough the nurses, to the doctors who made that journey easy, we wouldn’t be here without them . Those initial days will always be a memory we will never forget.

Pam Frasco