#30DaysofHope Day 2- Kalyn

Around 27 weeks gestation, I was diagnosed with severe preeclampsia.

I was pregnant with twins and my entire pregnancy up until that point had been so smooth.

I just kept asking myself why this was happening and wondering what I did wrong.

As soon as I received my diagnosis, my OB and the high risk doctor admitted me to the hospital so I could be monitored 24/7.

My first day in the hospital, the high risk doctor was very straight with me and my husband. He said he could lose Baby B, or Baby A, he could lose the entire pregnancy, or even lose me. I held it together while he was in the room, but the minute he left I lost it.

I felt so scared, helpless, and betrayed by my own body.

My OB just kept telling me that every single day counted. Each day the girls remained inside was a win. He gave me a goal of 28 weeks because the girls would have 90% chance of survival. I made it to 28 weeks and 4 days before my pre e was too dangerous to continue. Baby B was no longer growing, her portion of the placenta and her chord were rotting. I completed rescue doses of steroids and a dose of magnesium a day before my surgery.

On February 18, 2020, at 6:18 and 6:19 pm, the girls were here. They were immediately taken to the NICU, and I was taken to the recovery room.

After 30 long minutes of waiting, I was finally given an update of how my babies were doing. Baby B, the baby the high risk doctor was worried we’d lose no matter how far I made it, was breathing completely on her own. Both babies were. That moment right there, was the first time I had felt hope in over 1 week.

Zayli had a 57 day NICU stay, and Kynli had 85 days. Both are home, happy, and healthy now.

Pam Frasco