You Fight, I Fight.

There was a major setback one day where he was almost ready to come home and then choked on a bottle and had a few Brady's, which earned him an extended stay. I broke down, completely devastated and so angry that my child had to experience this, that my body failed us, failed him, and I was terrified that we would lose the battle.

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Jen MaherComment
One year ago…

One year later from when the craziness of COVID started…I am extremely proud of these twins that they not only fought having the flu, but they also fought having COVID in November. They are rocking toddler life and hitting milestones wonderfully! I am proud of my husband and I and every other parent who has learned to make working from home possible, while also teaching their children. I am proud of how resourceful we have become as a society. But most importantly, I am proud of everyone who has gained more compassion though this experience and can put that to use in helping others, which is why I am here with Project NICU today and the wonderful people I have got to know along the way. Also, as a society, we realized how powerful technology can be and that it is possible to work distantly. This opens up opportunities for so many people, opportunities that weren’t there before.

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Pam Frasco
One year later... Meaghan

The day you came home your amazing NICU nurse warned your Dad and I that you were feisty and a force to be reckoned with. We already knew this, but she wasn’t kidding! We had our obstacles, but never once did I enter a doctor’s office, therapy appointment or evaluation thinking we were up against something you, we, couldn’t handle. Nursing took a while to grasp, but we made it to the 1yr mark! Gross motor is delayed, but you’ve made continuous strides! There is nothing you can’t do.

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Pam Frasco
Having Faith In The Midst Of Trails

At 31 weeks 4 days they said he was growth restricted less than the 3rd percentile, but my fluid was a 4 and he was head down. Two days later I had 0 fluid and Reed was breech. Doctors mentioned there was a higher risk of a stillbirth if we continued. We decided to go ahead and schedule a c-section because of all the risks. Reed was born December 30, 2020. He was 2 pounds 7oz. And 15 3/4 inches.

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Pam Frasco
A Christmas to Remember

Christmas Eve and It was time to deliver. Deanna Nicole was welcomed to this world on Christmas Eve, December 24, 1979, 6 weeks early, weighing in at 3 pounds. As is the case with newborns, her weight would drop to 2 lbs+. How can she survive? She would spend the next 6 weeks in the NICU. I can only describe my anxiety, depression, fear as life altering.

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Pam Frasco
Meet Hailee

The NICU journey is long and hard. It is an experience that I don’t think anyone asks for but somehow we find a way to fight through it. I volunteer to support other NICU parents because I know and remember how lonely that experience was and I hope to be a source of hope and encouragement for any parents going through the NICU journey.

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Pam Frasco
On the day we left you in the NICU...

On the day we left you at the NICU, I cried. I cried as I washed my pump parts to pack them. I cried as I put on tennis shoes for the first time since being admitted. I cried as Hunter took our loads of items to the car and I stayed in the room alone, looking out the window and wishing he was already back. I called my mom as I cried because I didn't know what else to do with my feelings and needed someone to hear me and hold the space. That day I cried silent tears, big sobbing tears, tired tears, panicked tears. I cried tears that didn't want to be held and I cried tears that needed someone to hold them. I cried because it all felt so wrong.

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Pam Frasco
NICU Truths and Lies

I’m ready (I think). My sons, Geno and Ronan, are now 2 and half years old.  In some ways it seems like forever ago, and in others, it all began yesterday.  For quite some time, the trauma of our NICU journey had left me speechless. But if my tiny mighty fighters could brave 65 days in the NICU, I can certainly find the courage to put some of that into words. So here it goes. These are the things I needed hear. Or things I heard, but didn’t believe. These are the truths and lies of NICU motherhood:

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Jen MaherComment
Rae of Sunshine

I spent a total of a week in the hospital. While we were there we got to spend most of our time in the NICU with Raelynn. But the second I was discharged only one of us could go. My husband didn’t get paternity leave and was unable to see her for the next 5 weeks. Can you imagine how he felt? Not seeing your newborn baby for 5 weeks?! His strength amazes me still. I spent every single day of those 5 weeks in the hospital. I’d be dropped off in the morning and picked up at night for 36 days. It was the hardest, longest 5 weeks of my life.

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Pam Frasco
My Friend Just Gave Birth to a NICU Baby, What Do I Do?

It has been 7 years since our son was born and, thankfully, he is now a healthy, rambunctious first-grader. However, memories of our time in the NICU, with its bright lights and beeping monitors, will last forever. With that in mind, I offer my top three tips for people whose loved ones, friends, colleagues, or neighbors recently welcomed a preemie into the world.

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Pam Frasco
Dianna's Journey

I also felt like I had no right to call myself a NICU mom because he was only there for 6 days but hearing other NICU stories makes what I went through and felt valid, and I know I’m not alone. I am healing and finding peace one day at a time.

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Pam Frasco
Shevada's journey

Being a NICU mom means asking for permission to hold your own baby and being denied at times because the baby had a rough day.

Praying and crying over your sweet baby as he sleeps in an incubator. Not being able to jump up and cuddle your precious baby every time he cries.

Changing diapers through tiny holes in the side of the incubator.

Singing and giving words of encouragement through a small incubator hole so that your baby knows that you're there.

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Pam Frasco
Kaydi's Journey

I never knew just how hard the NICU would be, and how excruciatingly painful it was, until my twins were born 5 weeks early. I knew NICU parents were strong and brave, but until you become one you really don’t understand the magnitude.

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Pam Frasco
For This Child I Prayed 

I had a lot of time to think in the hours I spent each day holding and rocking my new baby. I wondered why the little girl in the corner was alone (or at least as alone as a baby can be with such amazing and extensive care). I thought about my own struggle to have a child and how long I'd waited to become a mother. I thought about how my little girl was going to grow up without her Dad, how heartbreaking that was for most people to grasp, and yet here was a little girl who was beginning her life without either parent at her side

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Pam Frasco
My NICU Village..

I meet other NICU parents and no matter what path our children or lives have taken, we just get each other.  We lift each other up like family, even when we might be strangers. In fact, I am reticent to even use that word- strangers- when talking about other NICU parents, because there is no such thing. 

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Jen MaherComment
Dear NICU Mama, Christmas has not left you behind.

After a silent, early-morning car ride, you park and begin your day. The faint playing of music you hear in the elevator reminds you to give the cafeteria attendant a candy cane from your purse. She covered your morning coffee yesterday (and several times last week) and quite honestly you look forward to seeing her warm smile every morning.

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HolidayPam Frasco