#30DaysofBrave - Day 21 - Jayme & Kelsey

“ 56 days ago, you entered this world without knowing what this world had in store for you. From the minute you were born, you were born a fighter. The fight of your life was thrusted upon your body and your soul rose to the occasion. For the past 56 days, you have proven time and time again that the world should not doubt you. The world should, indeed, embrace you because you, my wild flower, cannot be tamed. You NEVER took no for an answer. They said no- you said watch me, a trait you undoubtedly inherited. You inherited nick-names: feisty, spit fire, warrior. You coined a phrase: “This is Kelsey’s world. She tells us.” For the past 56 days, we were always by your side. We watched you not only survive, but we watched you THRIVE. We watched you be brave. We watched you be strong. And we, oh yes- we watched you be fierce. And today, 56 days later, we leave the place we entered with a renowned sense of what it means to truly live. We leave WITH you. We leave WITH you to live the life you are meant to live. And the world better be ready for the greatness you will, without a doubt, bestow upon it. You, Kelsey James, have beaten the odds. “And sometimes, against all odds, miracles happen.”

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Pam Frasco
#30DaysofBrave- Day 20- Magnolia

I am so incredibly proud of our fierce Magnolia. Nothing could have prepared me for our first few weeks together, but the doctors and nurses along the way made me feel like we could conquer any obstacles thrown our way... and we did.

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Pam Frasco
#30DaysofBrave Day 18- Jakob

In a normal situation we would have been able to hold him and visit him and take him home. Due to the nature of the birth and preeclampsia, Val wasn’t able to hold or see him for 24 hours. Due to Covid, none of our family was able to be there to meet him. And due to his premature birth, clocking in at 4 pounds 3 ounces, the concern that his lungs weren’t fully developed and other bumps in the road he was going to spend some time in the Fairview NICU. We were prepped for this scenario before going into labor but we had no idea just what we were about to experience until we scrubbed in for the first time to see him.

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Pam Frasco
#30DaysofBrave- Day 17 - Kelsie

Bravery in the NICU is all around. Bravery in the NICU comes from one place. I believe that special place is within the heart of every NICU baby. They come into this world ready to fight. They know they will face challenges. They know this isn’t how it was supposed to be. They do it though. They believe in themselves and that is brave. Everyone in the NICU becomes brave because they feel it everytime they see the little fingers wiggle and grab tight to another big finger nearby. The babies are reaching out asking for someone to believe in them, too.

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Pam Frasco
#30DaysofBrave- Day 15- Jenny

Nothing can prepare you for the sight of your newborn surrounded by a team of people and everything that happens in those gut wrenching moments until your baby is stable in the NICU. Once he was there, he had hurdles or overcome, but we counted the small victories made each day. I kept putting one foot in front of the other and focusing on the next thing. It felt like we’d never get out of there some days, but other days I could see the light at the end of the tunnel.

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Pam Frasco
#30DaysofBrave- Day 13- Ashton

Every day in the NICU feels like the hardest and most exhausting day of your life, only to go home and do it all over again tomorrow. Covid truly compounded the exhaustion and the emotions. We were together as a family of 3 exactly one time before we got to come home. Instead of having both parents at her bedside, Hazel had two parents running in circles around each other to split their time.

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Pam Frasco
#30DaysofBrave Day 12- Katie

Our NICU experience was heart wrenching and devastating yet beautiful and miraculous. It was a journey that wasn’t planned for and will never be forgotten. The bravery my #NICUwarrior and his team of caregivers showed is remarkable, it gave us strength and hope on our darkest days and continues to be a source of light and inspiration today. Sending strength, comfort, hope and prayers to those who have braved and who are braving their NICU journey now.

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Pam Frasco
#30DaysofBrave- Day 6- Shevada

Being a NICU mom means asking for permission to hold your own baby and being denied at times because the baby had a rough day.

Praying and crying over your sweet baby as he sleeps in an incubator. Not being able to jump up and cuddle your precious baby every time he cries.

Changing diapers through tiny holes in the side of the incubator.

Singing and giving words of encouragement through a small incubator hole so that your baby knows that you're there.

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Pam Frasco
#30DaysofBrave- Day 5- Kaydi

I never knew just how hard the NICU would be, and how excruciatingly painful it was, until my twins were born 5 weeks early. I knew NICU parents were strong and brave, but until you become one you really don’t understand the magnitude.

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Pam Frasco
#30DaysofBrave- Day 3- Valerie

I cannot describe in words the devastating feeling to non-NICU parents that is leaving your baby at the hospital on the day you are discharged.

It is absolutely gut-wrenching. You think you have it together until you don't. I'm still dealing with the grief of the birth experiences I wanted. I still have pangs of jealousy when I see friends on Facebook showing pictures, cuddling their new babies hours after giving birth and getting to go home within 24-36 hours.

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Pam Frasco